Author = Mostafa Karimi Ahmadabad
Spatial clusters and trends of change in drought co-occurrence regions in Iran

Volume 56, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 83-101


Susan Heidari; Mostafa Karimi; Ghasem Azizi; Aliakbar Shamsipour

Paleo Temperature Reconstruction using Juniperus Species Dendroclimatology in the North of Kerman Province

Volume 54, Issue 4, February 2023, Pages 445-465


Mohammad Mahdi Abadijou Ravari; Ghasem Azizi; Mostafa Karimi

synoptic analysis of precipitation and Widespread spring thunderstorm in North - West Iran

Volume 54, Issue 1, May 2022, Pages 95-110


mohammad saleh gerami; Mostafa Karimi; Ghasem Azizi; somayeh rafati

Arabian anticyclone’s spatial variations at 850 hPa simultaneously with precipitation of October to March in Iran

Volume 53, Issue 4, February 2022, Pages 509-529


Mostafa Karimi; Fahime Noruzi; Mahnaz Jafari; Faramarz Khoshakhlagh; Aliakbar Shamsipour

Evaluating the performance of the reanalyzed ERA-Interim database in temporal-spatial distribution and wind speed trend in eastern Iran

Volume 52, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 515-533


Mohammad Hashemzadeh; Ghasem Azizi; Mostafa Karimi; Faramarz Khoshakhlagh; Ali Akbar Shamsipour

Synoptic patterns of cold waves of recent decades in Iran (2004 - 2013)

Volume 52, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 165-177


Mostafa Karimi; Nemat Ahmadi; Mehrdad mohamad Moradiyan; Somayeh Rafati

Annual Variation of the Height of Urban Boundary Layer of Tehran

Volume 52, Issue 1, April 2020, Pages 37-50


Mojtaba Mahdian Mahforouzi; Aliakbar Shamsipour; Mostafa Karimi Ahmadabad; Peyman Zawarreza

The role of transmitted moisture changes in occurrence of drought and wet years in Iran

Volume 51, Issue 4, January 2020, Pages 545-562


Mostafa Karimi Ahmadabad; Mahnaz Jafari; Faramarz Khoshakhlagh; Saeed Bazgir

The Role of Sistan 120 Days Wind in Thermal Advection of East and Southeast Iran

Volume 49, Issue 3, October 2017, Pages 477-489


Shoaieb Abkharabat; Mostafa Karimi; Amanallah Fathnia; Mohamad Hamed Shambaiati

The influence of lower tropospheric circulation of Arabian high pressure on Iran precipitation

Volume 48, Issue 4, January 2017, Pages 569-587


Mostafa Karimi; Faramarz Khoshakhlagh; Saeed Bazgir; Mahnaz Jafari

Dynamical- synoptical analysis of summer precipitation process in Southeast Iran

Volume 48, Issue 3, October 2016, Pages 335-349


Shoaieb Abkharabat; Majid Rezaeibanafsheh; Saeed Jahanbakhsh Asl; Mostafa Karimi; Ali Akbar Rasouli

Assessment of the Low Level Jets Effects on MCSS Formation in the Southwest Iran

Volume 48, Issue 1, April 2016, Pages 82-69


Somayeh Rafati; Amanolah Fatnia; Mostafa Karimi

Synoptic Analysis of the Conditions for Occurrence of Mesoscale Convective Systems

Volume 46, Issue 2, July 2014, Pages 137-156


Somayeh Rafati Alashti; Zahra Hejazizadeh; Mostafa Karimi

Study on Physical Surface Temperature Patterns in Different Weather Conditions

Volume 46, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 59-76


Ali Akbar Shamsipour; Ghasem Azizi; Mostafa Karimi Ahmadabad; Masumeh Moghbel