پیش بینی بارش پاییزه و زمستانه نیمه غربی ایران، با استفاده از SST مدیترانه در فصول تابستان و پاییز


1 دانشیار، گروه جغرافیای طبیعی، دانشگاه تبریز

2 استاد گروه جغرافیای طبیعی، دانشگاه تبریز

3 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیای طبیعی (کلیماتولوژی)، دانشگاه تبریز


کشور ما به دلیل واقع شدن در همسایگ ی منابع رطوبتی فراوان دریای مدیترانه در غرب، خلیج فارس و دریای عمان
مناطق رطوبتی یاد SST در جنوب، دریای خزر در شمال، دریای سیاه و اقیانوس هند تأثیرپذیری نسبتاً زیادی از
شده دارد . لذا بررسی و مطالعه این تأثیرها بر مقدار بارش های کشور، نقش اساسی در شناخت نوس ان های بارش و
پیش بینی مقادیر بارش آن دارد . از آنجا که خشکسالی و سیل خسارات زیادی به جوامع و بخش های مختلف
اقتصادی در ایران وارد می کند، لذا پیش بینی بارش دارای نقش اساسی در مدیریت بهینه منابع آب و خاک، و نیز
جایگزینی مدیریت ریسک به جای مدیریت بحران و توسع ه پایدار کشور است . در این پژوهش میزان تأثیر فصلی
بر بارش های فصلی نیمه غربی ایران بررسی شده است . (Mediterranean SST) دمای سطح آب دریای مدیترانه
ابتدا دوره های گرم و سرد و پایه (شرایط معمولی دمای سطح آب مدیترانه ) تعریف شد و سپس میانه آماری بارش
و Rc/Rw ،Rb/Rc ،Rb/Rw محاسبه گردید و از مقادیر نسبت های Rb ،Rc ،Rw در هر دوره ب ا عناوین به ترتیب
به منظور ارزیابی میزان تأثیر این شرایط بر بارش استفاده شد . نتایج نشان داد زمانی که در فصل پاییز Rw/Rc
سردتر از معمول باشد، بارش زمستانه منطقة مورد مطالعه افزایش م ی یابد ولی دمای گرم تر از معمول MedSST
در فصل پاییز و بارش MedSST آن در فصل تابستان باعث افزایش بارش پاییزه می شود. همچنین بین نوسانات
در فصل MedSST زمستانة ایستگاه های مورد مطالعه ، همبستگی معنی دار منفی وجود دارد، ولی بین نوسانات
تابستان و بارش پاییزه ایستگاه های مورد مطالعه همبستگی معن یدار مشاهده نشد؛ اما تمایل نسبتاً مشخصی بین
افزایش بارش پاییزه با دمای گرم مدیترانه ملاحظه م یشود.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Forecast of Autumn and Winter Precipitation of West Iran by Use from Summer and Autumn Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperature

نویسندگان [English]

  • M Rezayi Banafsheh 1
  • S Jahanbakhsh 2
  • M Bayati Khatibi 1
  • B Zeinali 3
چکیده [English]

Our country because of locating in neighborhood great watery sources of Mediterranean sea in west, Persian gulf and Oman sea in south, Caspian sea in north, Black sea and Indian ocean has been effected from sea surface temperature of these watery surfaces mostly. Therefore studying these effects on amount of country precipitation plays the main role in understanding of oscillations of precipitation and forecast of amount of precipitation in our country. In the recent years relation among agents of climate in ocean, atmosphere and land has been noticed by meteorologists and climatologist. Results of researches have indicated that changes temperature in surfaces of water can effect on changes of precipitation in the land confidently. Anomalies of sea surface temperature effect not only on seaside but also on far regions from sea. Mediterranean Sea is in limitation of geography 32 to 46 degrees latitude of north and 3 degrees altitude of west to 35 degrees altitude of east. This sea expands about 2.5 million km2. Changes of climate in this watery great surface can effect on west climate of Iran confidently. West winds make three troughs on U.S., East Asia and Mediterranean Sea in winter. This trough (Trough of Mediterranean Sea( is replaced on limitation of Mediterranean Sea that permit entering West wind and its system to limitation of west of Iran. Therefore in this research precipitation of autumn and winter seasons of west Iran has been forecasted by using summer and autumn Mediterranean Sea surface temperature. Drought and flood enter most costs for economic different parts For this purpose forecast of precipitation has main role in management of water sources and soil, replacement of management of risk to replace management of crisis and stable development in the country. In this research, precipitation of autumn and winter seasons in western parts of Iran has been forecast by using summer and autumn Mediterranean Sea surface temperature.

Materials and Methods
In this research two series of data have been used; first: seasonal data of Mediterranean Sea surface temperature in statistic period (1970-2005(, and secondly seasonal data of precipitation of west Iran in statistic period (1970-2005). For this purpose the periods such as warm, cold, base ones were determined for dates of MEDSST (Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperature) in statistics period of 1970 – 2005 for each season. Then statistical Medians of precipitation in every season and every period were determined so as (Rw, RC and Rb.( Theses Medians in every season and every period are compared together to clear amount of influence of theses condition. Also the authors have used correlation method between MedSST data in summer and autumn seasons and precipitation data in autumn and winter season by using Minitab software. From Regression method used for estimation of statistic trend of confident correlation.

Results and Discussion
Results indicated that when MEDSST in summer season is warmer than normal, autumn precipitation of West region of Iran is increased but when MEDSST of colder than normal in autumn season is caused increase of precipitation in the winter season. There is negative and confident correlation between MEDSST anomalies in autumn season and precipitation anomalies of West of Iran in winter season and there is not confident correlation between summer MEDSST anomalies and autumn precipitation in west region but intention of certain fairly is between increase of autumn precipitation the west region of Iran and warmer than normal MedSST of summer season. Climatic Oscillations have main effect on soil, cover of vegetation, watery sources and land use.

Climate and its factors certainly precipitation and its problematic changes play important role in environment of human life in lengths of time. Climatic Oscillations have the main effect on soil, cover of vegetation, watery sources and land use. Knowledge of this changes can provides correct usage of nature and management of watery and soil sources that cause planning better consequently.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Mediterranean
  • Precipitation anomalies
  • SST
  • West of Iran